Saturday, August 13, 2011

Say what you mean....mean what you say....

Many would probably argue this point with me but our society has become far to "politically correct."  Now before I get into what I mean I will digress to my previous blog regarding the Golden Rule. Be careful not to be hurtful. Sometimes speaking the truth is not what society wants to hear but what it needs to hear. I am not a politically minded person so I'm not even going to go near that topic (especially in a blog) but I do have very pointed religious views and ideas of how human interaction and co-existence could be better. As a society we worry to much about what people think of us. Should we throw good manners to the wind? Of course not, but there is a time and a place for everything.  I say all of the time if you don't want my opinion do not ask for it. Chris and I laugh because when he says to me "I need your opinion" I always answer back with "well you know that I have one are you sure that you want it?" We also laugh because he knows that I don't hold any punches when it comes to the way I feel about any given topic or circumstance. My world is very "black and white" with very little "gray." Although, over the last handful of years I have learned that to have balance there must be a little more "gray." (that part is still a work in progress) I attribute this mostly to Chris and the fact that he is the "yin" to my "yang." We are polar opposites in so many ways but then alike in so many ways. I suppose this is why we have been the very best of friends for so many years and why our marriage is so wonderful.....but that is a topic for another blog.

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