Friday, August 12, 2011

Perception is reality....

No truer words have ever been said to me. At the time they were spoken, I did not realize how profound the statement would become in my own life.  Think about it.  It is human nature to form opinions based on perception. It doesn't matter if that perception is about people, politics, religion or sports. What we perceive becomes our reality. Whether our reality is indeed the truth is another topic all together. Something to think about...too deep to process? Try it.


  1. I agree that perception is reality, but it is our OWN personal reality. The problems come when we allow emotion and personal bias to blur reality. It is hard for me to separate reality and truth. To believe ultimate truth exists, in my opinion, only comes from a fundamental belief in good and evil. I believe that God has given us His Word and put us in families and communities to help us see these truths. If we tap into the God-given wisdom we have inside of us we can humbly learn from Him and others what is real/true. We are also then able to recognize when our reality is only what we THINK it is. However, ultimately, only God himself has a completely clear picture of what is real.

  2. Amen sister! I could not have said it better!
