Thursday, October 13, 2011

Politically Correct? I don't think so.....

Brace yourself this blog is going to be extremely opinionated and quite possibly offensive.  Stop here and do not continue reading if you are easily inflamed by pointed and blunt dialog.  Now that I have gotten that disclaimer out of the way.... here goes. (1) I am sick and tired of American society (as a whole) sitting on its big fat butt waiting for a handout; (2) I am sick and tired of all the complaining about Alabama's immigration law; and (3) I am sick and tired of feeling like I am the only person on the planet with any common sense.  What happened to working hard for what we want and need? What happened to setting goals and mapping out plans to achieve those goals. What has happened to humanity?

(1) Government programs were established for temporary assistance NOT for generation after generation to work the system in order to never have to work. (2) America welcomes immigrants openly; however,  if you are planning to live here you must gain citizenship. Why is it that people don't think that same rules apply to America as the rest of the world? If I go to another country and stay to long I would be asked to make application for citizenship or to leave. That is not rude. It is the rules. In order for things to get better sometimes they have to get worse. So everyone who is whining and moaning about the Alabama immigration law please sit down and shut up!! It is what it is. I'm sick of listening to it. (3) I honestly try to not think about this stuff to much. When I do my blood pressure goes up and I ask "why am I not running the country? It's not like it's hard!" I realize this is a very simplistic approach to take but come on people use your brain. It is time to start over. Reform term limits, reform benefits and wages for politicians and reform the way in which taxes are paid. Do I know how to reach this end? Maybe, maybe not but I can say what is being done now is not working. 

If you chose to continue reading this blog even after my warning and you are now completely in disagreement with me and highly irritated or offended, I say this. The beauty of freedom is that we can agree to disagree. If you are really, really hacked off then get off your tail and make a difference. Stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution.

That is my rant for the day. I will try my best to be more light-hearted in the future. Unfortunately, this is what happens if I allow myself to watch the news. UGH!!

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