Oh how I long for a time that I have never experienced. I often say that I was born in the wrong decade. I miss a more simple time. To say "I miss a more simple time" is funny to me because how can I miss a time that occurred before I was even born? A time when the husband/father went to work and the wife/mother was a homemaker. A time when everyone had a garden and a clothes line in their yard. A time when kids played until well after dark and caught lightening bugs to put in a mason jar. A time when life seemed to move at a much slower pace. Yes, I guess I would like to live in a "Leave It to Beaver" episode. However, since the 1950's can no longer exist, I will make the most of trying to capture some simplicity in my life. I am on a quest to preserve those things that I remember my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother doing every summer. They would (as they called it) "put up" vegetables so we would have fresh ones to cook during the winter. I have such fond memories of snapping beans, shucking corn and shelling peas. I went several years ago and spent the weekend with my grandmother learning how to make homemade pepper sauce. It thrilled me to have her teach me something she had learned from her mother. With technology being what it is today, I know these recipes can be found online but it meant so much more having her to teach me rather than reading it off of an internet page.
Nesting mode happens to me twice a year. Now and during the holidays. Right now all I want to do is go to the Farmer's Market, cook fresh veggies, plant stuff and create. A dear friend gave me some bread starter last week. I have been feeding it and made my first batch of fresh bread tonight. It was so good. I had visions in my head of a time when making bread was the norm not a novelty. You know...the scene where the bread or pie is sitting in the window with a checked cloth over it while it cools.
I often catch myself saying "if I had the time" I would do this or that. I realized tonight that I do have the time. I just need to reorganize it.
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