Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So I started a new job a few weeks ago. Still working in a law firm though. And as I examine how my mood and stress level have gotten so much better, I have begun to truly think about what motivates people to succeed and at what cost. Try to follow me here. Generally, people are driven to attain the next popular item or social tier in order to feel successful. In the meantime, some lose sight of what is really important.....what their spouses, children and friends think of them.  Over the years I have watched people completely devote themselves to their job and at the end of the day that is all that they have. Let me back up here for a moment and clarify that it is important to do your job well and to be responsible; however, a job well-done does not have to take priority over all else. With that being said, I love my job. I get to do what I love and still be what I need to be for those so dear to me.

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