In other news, the older I get the more I realize the importance of tolerance and kindness even when my feelings and opinions differ from others. I will not get into the boring details but in the last handful of weeks I have read so much intolerance, disrespect and disregard for difference in opinion on social media that my heart is heavy. We see ads that warn against cyberbullying as it applies to kids and teens but what I have read recently is nothing more than cyberbullying among adults. I suppose there is courage behind a screen and keyboard versus saying mean and hateful things to a person's face. What is even more disturbing is that the ones bullying actually think they are founded in their attacks and lack of understanding or willingness to see a point of view other than their own. Grown adults that include professionals, stay at home parents, young people, older people and political figures. I read their comments and truly wonder if they would actually say these things in a public place and say them the way they are typed? These comments and posts just further validate for me that society has deteriorated to a point that other people's feelings and opinions mean nothing and are to be disregarded if they do not align with our own. Society has lost the ability to just agree to disagree.